Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

राम लखन के रीमेक लखन बनेंगे रणवीर सिंह!


मुंबई : एक्शन डायरेक्टर रोहित शेट्टी जल्द ही बॉलीवुड की सुपरहिट फिल्म 'राम लखन' की रीमेक बनाने वाले हैं। फिल्म में अनिल कपूर के द्वारा निभाए गए लखन के रोल के लिए उन्होंने रणवीर सिंह से बात की है।

सुनने में आया है कि अपनी लेडी लव दीपिका पादुकोण के पास टोरंटो में जाने से पहले वो रोहित शेट्टी के ऑफिस में उनसे मिलकर फिल्म की डील पक्की कर चुके थे। सूत्रों के अनुसार करीब एक हफ्ते पहले रणवीर जब रोहित के ऑफिस गए थे तो वो 'राम लखन' की रीमेक की स्क्रिप्ट पढ़ने गए थे।

अब जब फिल्म के लिए रणवीर फाइनल हो ही चुके हैं ऐसे में उनके अपोजिट लीड एक्ट्रैस कौन होगी इसके बारे में फिलहाल कोई नाम सामने नहीं आया है।


उम्मीदों पर खरा उतरा तो खुशी होगी: शाहरुख

 अभिनेता शाहरुख खान ने करीब 100 फिल्मों में काम किया है लेकिन उनका कहना है कि अपनी आने वाली फिल्म ‘फैन’ को फिल्माने में उन्होंने खुद को अक्षम पाया।
50 वर्षीय अभिनेता का मानना है कि निर्देशक मनीष शर्मा के दिशा-निर्देश के बिना वह गौरव की भूमिका के साथ न्याय नहीं कर सकते थे। ‘फैन’ में शाहरुख दोहरी भूमिका में नजर आएंगे। एक भूमिका में वह सुपरस्टार आर्यन खन्ना होंगे और दूसरी में कम उम्र का उनका प्रशंसक गौरव। आर्यन ‘दिलवाले’ स्टार के वास्तविक जीवन के करीब हैं और उन्हें एक प्रशंसक की मन:स्थिति को समझने में कुछ समय लगता है।  शाहरूख खान ने यहां पर संवाददाताओं को बताया, ‘‘मैं यह नहीं कह सकता हूं कि यह आसान था क्योंकि मैं एक फिल्म अभिनेता की भूमिका में हूं, यह मैं वास्तविक जीवन में करता हूं एेसे में यह आपको वास्तविक दुनिया से बाहर नहीं ले जाता है... मनीष और पूरी टीम को पूरी तरह से समझ था कि गौरव कैसा है।’’

उन्होंने बताया, ‘‘गौरव जिस तरह से दिखता है उसके लिए 50 प्रतिशत शारीरिक रूपांतरण, कृत्रिम बनावट और वीएफएक्स का इस्तेमाल किया गया है। मुझे नहीं लगता है कि मनीष जो चाहते थे उसका मैने 100 प्रतिशत दिया है क्योंकि वह इसके बारे में काफी स्पष्ट थे।’’  अभिनेता ने बताया कि अपने केरियर में मैने जो भूमिकाएं की हैं उसमें से काफी का श्रेय मुझे है लेकिन यह खास भूमिका जो मैंने निभाई है उसे निर्देशक की ईच्छानुसार किया है।

क्या होते हैं फ्लोटिंग रेट बॉन्ड्स?

ये डेट सिक्यॉरिटीज होती हैं, जिन पर एक समय अवधि में तय ब्याज की पेशकश नहीं की जाती। इनके रेट बेंचमार्क इंटरेस्ट रेट्स के साथ बदलते रहते हैं। ऐसे इंस्ट्रूमेंट्स को खासतौर पर इंटरेस्ट रेट में गिरावट वाले दौर में पसंद किया जाता है।

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ऐसा क्यों है?
बॉन्ड इश्यू करने वालों को बॉरोइंग कॉस्ट के लिहाज से फायदा होता है। ऐसे बॉन्ड आमतौर पर बैंकों के बेस रेट से लिंक्ड होते हैं, जिससे कम रेट पर बैंक लोन नहीं दे सकते। इसके प्राइस में बैंक बेस रेट के साथ 0.10-0.20 पर्सेंट का स्प्रेड या मार्क-अप जोड़ा जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, पिरामल एंटरप्राइजेज की ओर से हाल ही में इश्यू किए गए फ्लोटिंग रेट बॉन्ड का कूपन रेट 9.4 पर्सेंट था, जो स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया (एसबीआई) के 9.3 पर्सेंट के बेस रेट से 0.10 पर्सेंट अधिक था।

अगर कोई भी एए+ रेटिंग वाली कंपनी बैंक से टर्म लोन के लिए आवेदन करती है तो उसे बैंक की क्रेडिट अप्रेजल पॉलिसी के आधार पर कम से कम 0.15-0.20 पर्सेंट अधिक रेट चुकाना पड़ सकता है। अगर कंपनी एक बड़ी रकम जुटाना चाहती है तो यह और बढ़ जाता है।

कौन करता है इनवेस्टमेंट?
अपनी अलग-अलग स्कीमों के लिए म्यूचुअल फंड और इंश्योरेंस कंपनियों, प्रॉविडेंट फंड और पेंशन हाउसेज सहित लॉन्ग-टर्म फंड। यह प्रॉडक्ट इंस्टीट्यूशनल इनवेस्टर्स के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है, लेकिन रईस इनवेस्टर्स भी इनमें पैसा लगा सकते हैं।

क्या दरें गिरने के समय में यह एक सही इनवेस्टमेंट है?
हां। अगर कोई फंड हाउस एए+ रेटिंग वाली कंपनी के कॉरपोरेट बॉन्ड में इनवेस्टमेंट करता है तो उसे एक वर्ष में 8.7-8.8 पर्सेंट का इंटरेस्ट मिल सकता है, जो 7.7-7.75 की बेंचमार्क 10 वर्ष सॉवरिन यील्ड से एक पर्सेंट ज्यादा है। वही इनवेस्टर फ्लोटिंग रेट बॉन्ड्स में इनवेस्ट कर 0.30-0.50 पर्सेंट अधिक कमा सकता है।

क्या मार्केट में ये लोकप्रिय हैं?
पॉलिसी रेट में 1.25 पर्सेंट की कटौती से मार्केट में फ्लोटिंग रेट बॉन्ड्स की संख्या बढ़ी है। पिरामल एंटरप्राइजेज, टाटा ग्रुप, जेएसडब्ल्यू स्टील ने इनसे फंड जुटाया है। बड़े प्राइवेट बैंक भी इस तरह की डील्स कर रहे हैं।

क्या सब कुछ ठीक है?
पूरी तरह नहीं। बड़ी चुनौती सेकेंडरी मार्केट लिक्विडिटी की है। अगर कोई इनवेस्टर मैच्यॉरिटी से पहले सेकेंडरी मार्केट के जरिए बाहर निकलना चाहता है तो उसे मुश्किल होगी। रेट्स गिरने के साथ कैपिटल अप्रिसिएशन के मौके कम हैं क्योंकि यहां रेट्स फ्लोटिंग हैं, फिक्स्ड नहीं।

Pope Francis Speaks About Historic Meeting with Patriarch Kirill : “I Felt an Internal Joy”

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Pope Francis was full of joy and enthusiasm after his meeting with Patriarch Kirill. His face revealed this clearly as he spoke on the plane to journalists shortly after departing from Havana and heading for Mexico City. His face was glowing with happiness, as he confided, “I felt an internal joy.”
“We spoke together as brothers, we spoke freely and with frankness about the things that concern us. We didn’t mince words,” he stated.
“We spoke as pastors, about our concerns for our churches and for the world where wars are being fought piecemeal but risk turning into a world war,” he said.
He revealed that during their private conversation, at one point he told Kirill that “if we wait” to work out Christian unity in the study, the Lord would arrive before it happened. “We make unity by walking together,” he stated.
He said they had talked together in the presence of the interpreters and of Metropolitan Kirill, the head of the Department of External Affairs of the Patriarchate of Moscow, and of Cardinal Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity. They also spoke about the Pan-Orthodox meeting that will take place in Crete in June, he said.
He and Kirill had discussed “how we can work together,” he said, and in this context he commented on the joint declaration they had just signed. That 30 point declaration covers many issues, some of which could give rise to questions and discussion. Well aware of this, and seeking to avoid sterile debate, Francis offered an interpretative key to its reading. “It is not a political or sociological document, it is a pastoral document written by two bishops in which they express concern for their churches and for the world’”
It is clear that for Francis the most important thing was his meeting with Kirill, not the document, though the latter too has its importance as it identifies ways in which Catholics and Orthodox can work together on the road to unity.
The declaration covers a wide range of subjects, ranging from the unity they shared in the Christian millennium, to “the wounds” of division “caused by old and recent conflicts.” Significantly it adds that “mindful of the permanence of many obstacles” to recovering that unity, Francis and Kirill express “the hope that our meeting may contribute to the re-establishment of this unity.” On this road, they committed themselves “to combine our efforts” to give witness to the Gospel of Christ in the modern world.
He said they had talked together in the presence of the interpreters and of Metropolitan Kirill, the head of the Department of External Affairs of the Patriarchate of Moscow, and of Cardinal Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity. They also spoke about the Pan-Orthodox meeting that will take place in Crete in June, he said.
He and Kirill had discussed “how we can work together,” he said, and in this context he commented on the joint declaration they had just signed. That 30 point declaration covers many issues, some of which could give rise to questions and discussion. Well aware of this, and seeking to avoid sterile debate, Francis offered an interpretative key to its reading. “It is not a political or sociological document, it is a pastoral document written by two bishops in which they express concern for their churches and for the world’”
It is clear that for Francis the most important thing was his meeting with Kirill, not the document, though the latter too has its importance as it identifies ways in which Catholics and Orthodox can work together on the road to unity.
The declaration covers a wide range of subjects, ranging from the unity they shared in the Christian millennium, to “the wounds” of division “caused by old and recent conflicts.” Significantly it adds that “mindful of the permanence of many obstacles” to recovering that unity, Francis and Kirill express “the hope that our meeting may contribute to the re-establishment of this unity.” On this road, they committed themselves “to combine our efforts” to give witness to the Gospel of Christ in the modern world.


Voters Want Clinton to Tell - Things Are Not O.K.

So a fascist and a socialist walk into a bar in Manchester…

The Trump soufflé didn’t fall in New Hampshire, and Democrats did not get cold feet about voting for Bernie Sanders. For the first time since 1960, all 10 counties went for the same candidate in both parties’ primaries, with Mr. Trump and Mr. Sanders building commanding leads from rural, economically distressed Coos County to the highly educated band of Boston exurbs in Hillsborough and Rockingham counties.

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On the Democratic side, the huge age gap in Iowa showed up again in New Hampshire, with Mr. Sanders getting 83 percent (!) of the under-30 vote, 66 percent of those aged 30 to 44, a more modest 53 percent among 45-to-64-year-olds, and only 44 percent of those 65 or older. (Mr. Trump won all age categories among Republicans, but that electorate skewed older.) The “boomersplaining” of the past week, which saw Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem mocking young Sanders supporters, was disastrous for Hillary Clinton in a state that hates to be told it’s on the verge of voting wrong. Daughter Chelsea Clinton, though closer in age to the typical Sanders supporters, did not help matters when she attacked the Sanders health-care plan by mischaracterizing it as an attempt to end Obamacare without having an alternative in place.

Ms. Clinton remains the heavy favorite for the Democratic nomination. The New Hampshire results suggest that she’ll have trouble in the Brown/Tsongas belt, or the states that were most resistant to Bill Clinton in the 1992 primaries—New England, Minnesota and Wisconsin, and Western states with relatively small Latino populations like Utah and Washington. But the results of Nashua, N.H., may not have much predictive value in the South (where black voters may opt for the more practical candidate) or in the big industrial states of the Northeast and Midwest. That’s assuming the Clinton campaign doesn’t panic and launch counterproductive attacks on Mr. Sanders (the worst strategy for the South Carolina primary would be for Bill to repeat his “fairy tale” description of Barack Obama in 2008).

“I know I have some work to do now, particularly with young people,” Ms. Clinton said in her concession speech. “But I will repeat again what I have said this week: Even if they are not supporting me now, I support them.”

Presumably her campaign is working on something better than that. Her loss in New Hampshire has a lot to do with the perception of a corrupt political system and what Mr. Sanders called, in his victory speech, “a rigged economy where ordinary Americans work longer hours for lower wages while almost all new income and wealth goes to the top 1 percent.” (America’s editors explore the political import of this feeling in our current editorial, “Election Angst.”) This perception is not limited to those in immediate economic distress, and exit polls had Mr. Sanders winning among all income groups except voters in households making more than $200,000 per year.

The New York Times’ Brendan Nyhan (“Hillary’s Challenge: Peddling Pragmatism”) writes that Ms. Clinton needs to shift from her experience to a promise of change, and must do more than point out that the Sanders agenda would have zero chance of getting through a Republican Congress: “Her realism about the prospects for the Sanders agenda is implicitly dispiriting about the prospects for liberal domestic policy change in her presidency as well. Indeed, she often sounds as if she were acquiescing to a status quo that Democrats find objectionable.”

The “status quo” arguably includes the presidency of Barack Obama, and perhaps Ms. Clinton is nervous about alienating his supporters, but Mr. Sanders has largely kept Mr. Obama out of his sweeping criticisms of our economic and political system (even saying that Mr. Obama has done a “fantastic job” as president), so this clearly isn’t an impossible balancing act.

What will not help Ms. Clinton’s campaign (as the Chelsea Clinton dust-up should have proved) are attempts to claim the populist label in too-cute ways. At the Atlantic, David Frum noticed that “in her concession speech, Hillary Clinton boasted of her small donors. More than 70 percent had given less than $100, she claimed: ‘I know that doesn’t fit with the narrative.’” Mr. Frum pointed out that, regardless of how many people have given to the Clinton campaign, some 85 percent of the total haul has come from big donors. (Mr. Sanders has received 77 percent of his donations in sums of $200 or less, compared with 17 percent for Ms. Clinton, according to the Wall Street Journal.)

But I don’t think the Clinton campaign’s rough going in the early nomination contests means much in terms of her ability to win in November. Over the past few decades, there’s been very little correlation between how a candidate does in the primaries versus the general election. Mr. Obama, for example, erased the old rule that the party that settles on its nominee quicker has a decisive edge. And if Mr. Sanders brings new voters into the political process, it’s hard to imagine them sitting home in November or voting Republican.


What Nelson Mandela Learned in the School of Prison??

It was on this day in 1990—February 11—that a man of great dignity and bearing emerged from many years of captivity into the sunlight of freedom. It was a long time coming, this “freedom”; as he had spent the large part of his life—27 years—in a narrow, cramped prison cell. Eighteen of those years were spent in the same place, on a remote island, where he was forced to work along with others in a lime quarry. They were difficult years—years that could easily make or break a human being. He was imprisoned for all that time because of what he was and who he was: a black man. He was imprisoned too, for what he believed as a black man: that he had rights and responsibilities equal to everyone else; only the people who imprisoned him refused to believe that.

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And in that time, while his health suffered, his spirit did not. The reason for that was as simple as it was complex: for he was, as the phrase goes, “interiorly free.” Having been forced to work along with others in a lime quarry, his eyesight was negatively affected. It deteriorated from having to endure the sun glare reflecting from the quarry itself. (His prison guards would refuse him the protection of sunglasses.) And having had to inhabit a narrow and dank cell, he would later on suffer from tuberculosis. It was a struggle for his body to survive; but only did so because of the determination of his will and his spirit, which would not permit him to surrender to the hate which apartheid had imposed and imprisoned him.

It was his spirit that enabled Nelson Mandela to survive. It was his spirit that enabled him to prosper amid such inhumane conditions of the dank cell, the enforced solitude, the primitive living arrangements of a patted straw mat to sleep on, a metal cup and plate from which to subsist on and the use of an ordinary pail that served as his toilet and the limited human contact he had through sparse letters and even more sparse human visitations. His only connection to the outside world, to the freedom he had once known, was the wide prison barred window that allowed him to look out to the sun and to the sea and to the life beyond.  

In those years, his spirit became his teacher: the extroverted man became not an introverted man, but an “interior” man, in that he came to terms with himself, his humanity and the humanity of his fellows, even of those who hated him. The spirit that was his soul imparted lessons that became a part of him, never to be erased, but firmly implanted in him.

In time, his living conditions would improve and his health would be looked after; but he would still be physically imprisoned. Not for long would he be; people from beyond that prison window would take up his cause and fight for his release, despite the tremendous opposition from the people who possessed power, those who were not his own and those who refused to understand him or his purpose.

Eventually, he would be released and eventually, he would become the president of his country and preside over a reconciliation he desired, not just for his own people but for also for those who had the power and privilege and who denied it for so many years from people like him. He would become a “player” on the world stage and he would meet with popes and presidents amid great acclaim. Despite the trials and tribulations of his life, he acted with grace and dignity that befitted his humanity. When he died—at the age of 95—after a quiet retirement, the world reflected upon the momentous achievement of a man once a prisoner who became president and they mourned him. He was proud of who he was, but he did not let that pride get the better of him. He knew who he was and what he was meant to be: a free human being.

He looked out that window of Robben Island many, many times. And when he looked out, he recognized a truth that is applicable to us all, whatever we are, whomever we are, wherever we live. This truth he recounted in his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom: “No one is born hating another person because of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

“I went on a long holiday for 27 years,” said he, of his prison years in South Africa.

Kaafi Mashakkat Karane Ke Baad Mili Thi Salamaan Khaan Ko Film “Maine Pyaar Kiya”

Bollywood Suparstaar Salamaan Khaan Aaj Jaroor Filmo Ki Saphalata Ki Guarantee Ban Gyee Hon , Lekin 1989 Mein Raajashree Prodakshan Ki Film Mainne Pyaar Kiya Mein Kaam Karane Ke Liye Naa Keval Unhen Sakht Screen Test Se Gujarana Pada , Balki us Rol Ke Liye Abhineta Kunaal Gosvaamee Aur Deepak Tijoreevaala Ko Shortalist Kiya Ja Chuka Tha .

Pustak “Aise Kyon Hain Salmaan” Mein Kaha Gaya Hai Ki Salmaan Ki Kismat Ka Sitaara Pahalee Baar 1989 Mein Us Vakt Chamaka Jab Bataur Hero Unaki Film Maine Pyaar Kiya Release Huyi. Is Film Ki Kaamayaabee Ne Unhen Bollywood Ka Suparstaar Banaa Diya, Lekin Yah Film Salamaan Ko Kaafi Mashakkat Ke Baad Milee Aur Aaj Ki Sthiti Se Pare Unhen Kathin Screen Test Dena Pada Tha.

Isamen Bataaya Gaya Hai Ki Raajashree Prodakshan Mein Nirmaata-Nirdeshak Taaraachand Badajaatya Ke Pote Sooraj Badajaatya Un Dino Apani Pahalee Film Bana Rahe The. Is Film Mein Lead Role Ke Liye Unhonne Kunaal Gosvaamee Aur Deepak Tijoreevaala Ka Naam Shortalist Kiya Tha. Lekhak Jaseem Khaan Pustak Mein Salamaan Ke Havaale Se Bataate Hain, Main Sooraj Se Milane Nahin Ja Raha Tha, Lekin Hanee Ankal Ne Kaha, Jao Mil Aao. Sooraj Ne Bataaya Ki Unhonne Do Naam Shortalist Kar Liye Hain.

Pustak Mein Bataaya Gaya Hai Ki Maine Pyaar Kiya Ke Is Role Ke Liye Salamaan Ki Pahalee Shiphaarish Saleem Khaan Ke Lekhan Sahaayak Hanee Gupta Ne Ki Thee. Isake Liye Doosare Shiphaarish Karane Vaalee Modal Shabaana Datta The, Jinhonne Us Film Mein Us Rol Ke Liye Odishan Diya Tha, Jise Parde Par Baad Mein Bhaagyashree Ne Nibhaaya Tha. Unake Liye Teesaree Shiphaarish Bhaagyashree Ke Liye Patakatha Likhane Vaale Lekhak Kamar Nakavee Ne Ki Thee.

Pustak Mein Kaha Gaya Hai Ki Isake Baavajood Sooraj Badajaatya Ne Unhen Mumbai Ke Varli Mein Raajashree Film Ke Bangale Mein Bulaaya Aur Poore Din Salamaan Ka Screen Test Kiya Gaya. Isake Baad Sooraj Ne Ek Baar Phir Salamaan Aur Bhaagyashree Ko Ek Seen Shoot Karane Ke Liye Apane Office mein bulaaya. Darasal, Ve Donon Ki On Screen Chemistry Dekhana Chaahate The.

Amitaabh Bachchan Ke Facebook Pege Ko Mile 2.3 Crore Like

Mahaanaayak Amitaabh Bachchan Facebook Par 2.3 Crore Like Milane Se Bahut Romaanchit Hain. Amitaabh (73) is Kram Mein Suparstaar Salamaan Khaan Se Pichhe Hain.

Salamaan Ke Facebook Page Ko 29434865 Prashansakon Ne Like Kiya Hai. 23032439 Like Paane Vaale Amitaabh Abhineta Shaaharukh Khaan And Aamir Khaan Se Aage Hain.

Unhonne Shukravaar Raat twitter Par Likha, 5 Pharavaree Abhishek Ke Ko Janmadin Par Facebook Par 2.3 crore Followers Ho gaye! Amitaabh Haal Mein Bijoy Naambiyaar Nirdeshit Vajeer Film Mein Najar Aaye. Unaki Agali Film Te3EN Hai, Jisamen Vidya Baalan Aur Navaajuddeen Siddeekee Bhee Hain.

Gabbar Singh Ke iss Dialogue Ke liye Salamaan ko Kisane Di thi Salaah??

Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor ne Film Neeraja ke prachaar-prasaar ke liye apane prashansakon, doston aur parivaar ke sadasyon se unake liye Dar aur Saahas ko Vyakt karane ke liye Video bhejane ka aagrah kiya tha.

Raam Maadhavaanee Ke Nirdeshan Vaalee Yah Film Air Hostes Neeraja Bhanot Kee Jindagee Par Aadhaarit Hai. Film 19 Feb Ko Release Ho Rahee Hai.

Salamaan Khaan, Shaahid Kapoor Aur Aaliya Bhatt Jaise Kalaakaaron Ne Is Baare Mein Apane Video Social Media Par Share Kiye Hai.

Instaagraam Par Post Ki Gayi Video Mein Film Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo Mein Sonam Ke Saathee Kalaakaar Salamaan Khaan Ne Khulaasa Kiya Hai Ki Unake Lekhak Pita Saleem Khaan Ne Unhen Vah Salaah Dee, Jo Ve Apane Bachchon Ko Diya Karate the. Isee Ke Aadhaar Par Unhonne Apane Apane Carrier Ki Sabase Mashahoor Film Shole Kee Script Likhee Thi. Shole Mein Gabbar Sinh Ke Kiradaar Ne Yah Dialogue Bola Tha, “Jo Dar Gaya Vo Mar Gaya”.